My first post in German / Morgen- und Abendgebete

Diesen Post werde ich auf Deutsch verfassen, da eine Übersetzung die Gebete in gewisser Hinsicht ,,verfälschen” würde. Ich muss dazu sagen: Diese Gebete habe ich mir noch zu meiner protestantischen Zeit herausgesucht (Ich bin mit 15 konvertiert. Ich vergesse das manchmal, weil es sich wie eine Ewigkeit anfühlt, die ich schon katholisch bin und es…

Books I HAVE to read in 2017!

I was just thinking about the New Years Eve again and was prepairing for the party tonight when I found a book I bought in 2016 and wanted to read sooo badly – but just forgot about it! This inspired me to do a little list with books I bought or wanted so badly, but…

Some New Year Goals…

…like I said in my latest post, I just got my faith back this year, but I still want to change a lot in practicing it. I have to say: I am a very head-centered believer. I LOVE to read books about Theology, I love to think about philosophical problems, I love to learn about…

Thinking about the Year

So, I am gonna start with a short, but personal post. I am just sitting around, praying and thinking about my personal year 2016. There is a lot I am thankful for, but ONE thing is the thing I am the MOST thankful for. To be honest with you right from the start: I am…

Here I am! <3 Who am I? Why am I here?

I (25, female) am a former Theology student from Germany and would like to share some impulses, quotes, reflections and other stuff about my beloved Catholic Faith, the Roman Catholic Theology and everything related to it. I am a fan of Ratzinger and the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith, but I am also very open to…